Welcome to Stanmore Park Nursery

At Stanmore Park Nursery we believe that every child is unique and deserves outstanding education. Children are supported to learn and develop and to make the most of their abilities. We are a close-knit community where children and families are at the centre of what we do. The children at our nursery enjoy being in a safe, happy and secure learning environment alongside staff who ensure all children are included. We have a safe and secure outdoor play area that children can access throughout the day.

children learning in classroom

Learn Through Play

At Stanmore Park Nursery we support the 'learn-through-play' approach which is play-based learning.

Through play children develop a range of skills including motor skills, communication, increased understanding of words and their use as well as social skills, confidence and understanding the world around them. Learn through play also incorporates drawing, painting and writing. This improves the child's cognitive skills, self-esteem and the ability to express themselves.

Outdoor Play

We have great outdoor facilities which offer our children freedom to explore, use their senses, and be physically active and exuberant. Being outdoors has a positive impact on children’s sense of wellbeing and helps all aspects of children’s development. It gives children first-hand contact with weather, fresh air, the changing seasons and the natural world.

We are fortunate to have a large and secure outdoor area where children are encouraged to play and support their learning and development throughout the year.

child playing in the playground


Physical Development

Children are encouraged to be active and interactive in order to develop their coordination, control and movement. We also help young children to understand the importance of physical activity and to make healthy choices in relation to food.

Understanding the World

Children to make sense of their physical world and their community through opportunities to explore, observe and find out about people, places, technology and the environment.

Communication & Language

Children are given the opportunity to express themselves and extend their vocabulary through conversations, songs, listening to stories and circle time.

Frequently Asked Questions

We operate an open door policy, so you are welcome to come and see the nursery and meet the team at any time. However we do recommend that you arrange beforehand to ensure the availability of staff members to tour you around the nursery and answer any questions you may have. You can contact us by using our contact page.

We provide healthy and nutritional snacks which include fruits and vegetables daily. As the nursery day is short we do not provide hot/cooked meals.

We are proud to confirm that we are a nut-free nursery. All our snacks are carefully selected to ensure there are no traces of nuts. If an allergy is brought to our attention from parents/guardians we strive to ensure that the child is catered for.

To cater for children with allergies we have to be vigilant about what to bring into the nursery. Therefore, apart from water and milk, we cannot allow food to be brought into the nursery.

We have great facilities outdoors and we ensure to take all the children outdoor every day, weather-permitting. Hence, we do ask that you provide weather appropriate outdoor clothing all year round.

We operate a one-hour lunch club after official nursery time has ended. During this time, children can partake in extra activities and may eat their lunch if you have provided a packed lunch.